Emulate HID Device with Windows Desktop

Posted: July 17, 2015 in hackware, Kernel, Windows Kernel, Windows Programing
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The intended audience of this article are Windows Driver C++ developers and architects, It is assumed that the reader of this article is familiar with object oriented programming and design and is intimately acquainted with the Windows Operating System.

For the purpose of brevity and clarity, thread synchronization and error checking aspects are omitted and not discussed in details in this the article.


For a while I have been searching for the means of simulating Bluetooth HID devices under windows desktop, this apparently, is not that trivial since the Bluetooth HID interface is reserved for operating system use.

This Article provide a brief review of windows 8 Bluetooth stack & Profile Drivers, Describes it’s limitation with HID, and, present a work-around enabling HID device simulation using windows standard Bluetooth stack.

High level overview

The above present the main modules related with our use-case, in green, are custom modules developed by a 3rd party, in blue, are protocols/APIs provided by the operating system, in red, are operating system modules we patch in-order to achieve the desired functionality, and, in orange are physical HW components.

Profile Driver is a mini port driver implementing a specific Bluetooth service, in contrast to RFCOMM services which can be implemented using winsock on the user-realm, services that directly use L2CAP ( such as HID ) mandate Kernel-mode profile driver (KDMF) implementation.

The HCI layer provides a unified API for communicating with Bluetooth controllers, of specific interest for us is the HCI CoD ( Class of device/service ) indicating the type of Bluetooth peripheral, unfortunately, with windows built-in bluetooth stack the CoD is limited to COD_MAJOR_COMPUTER, and this, limits connectivity with various Bluetooth devices such as iOS which mandate a ‘Peripheral’ major class and a minor class of eg. ‘Keyboard’ ( where the CoD is 0x540 ), I have found this tool to be quite useful in generating popper Bluetooth CoDs

SDP stands for Service Discovery Protocol, it is used to report the type of services provided by the Bluetooth device, this is, for example, where HID devices report their descriptors or where a Bluetooth headset report it’s audio interface.

L2CAP is a lower level transport layer over-which various other protocols are implemented ( eg. RFCOMM ), it is responsible, among other things, for maintaining sequential packet connection to remote devices and multiplexing data from various Bluetooth services, this is the transport used for HID devices, with L2CAP services are identified by a unique Protocol/Service Multiplexer (PSM) identifier, for HID, two specific and pre-defined PSMs are needed, Interrupt and Control ( 0x13 & 0x11 correspondingly ), the first is used for Device to Host communication and the latter is used for Host to Device. Windows built-in bluetooth stack reserve these PSMs for OS use preventing HID devices simulation, later on in the article I will explain how to go around this limitation.

bthport.sys is a kernel module encapsulating Bluetooth logic including, among others, HCI, SDP, L2CAP, …. It is not a driver, rather, it is a dynamic library directly used by Profile drivers and other system components to implement Bluetooth services. bthport.sys is responsible for reserving the HID PSMs ( 0x13 & 0x11 ) using the ‘bthprot!BthIsSystemPSM‘ internal method, I will show, later in this article how to patch this method to go around PSM reservation.

Bluetooth L2CAP HID Connection Flow

The above high-level level diagram present the main steps in establishing a HID Bluetooth connection, in red, is the initialization phase where we register the PSMs to be used, once these are registered we are able to receive incoming L2CAP connections, the initialization phase is elaborated the next chapter.

Once the L2CAP connection is established HID Reports are sent to the controlled device and back indicating Key-Strokes and feedback from the device.

Driver Initialization

The diagram to the left illustrate the main steps in setting-up an L2CAP HID Profile Driver, The first thing needed is to register a callback method to be invoked upon incoming L2CAP connections, this is done by querying for the Profile driver interface using WdfFdoQueryForInterface, Allocating a Bluetooth Request Block ( BRB ), Setting up the BRB and dispatching it to the IoTarget.

Once the L2CAP callbacks are installed the required PSMs are registered, this is done by dispatching a BRB_REGISTER_PSM with the desired PSMs, In our case: 0x1 for SDP, 0x13 for the Control channel, and, 0x11 for Interrupt.

Registering PSMs reserved for OS use will fail, that is, also if there is no existing connected/paired HID device, the next chapter discuss an approach to go around that limitation.

Once the PSMs are registered we need to use them in conjunction with the Keyboard HID Descriptor to set-up the SDP, bthport.sys expose “GUID_BTHDDI_SDP_PARSE_INTERFACE” obtained using WdfFdoQueryForInterface for that purpose.

Once the SDP is ready it is published to the IoTarget to be listed on the available Bluetooth services of the Desktop machine.

Reserved PSMs Workaround

As earlier mentioned, with Windows OS the HID PSMs are reserved and cannot be used by Profile Drivers, PSM registration logic is implemented by bthport.sys, to work around the PSM limitation a binary patch is applied.

bthport.sys implement an internal method called “BthIsSystemPSM”, this is where the magic happen and where the patch is applied, the process consists of the following steps:

  1. Upon driver startup, Find bthport.sys!BthIsSystemPSM on the loaded binary image
    for that, it is needed to get the address of a reference method in bthport.sys and have the offset to BthIsSystemPSM, this is used to get access to the binary code responsible for OS PSM reservation.
    The reference method we use is bthport.sys!BthAllocateBrb, this method is exposed using the BTH_PROFILE_DRIVER_INTERFACE we have previosly retrieved by calling WdfFdoQueryForInterface
    bthport.sys!BthIsSystemPSM is not accessible using WdfFdoQueryForInterface, getting it’s address is not straight forward and require some low-level PE analysis, Using IDA ( Interactive Disassembler ) we can resolve bthport.sys!BthIsSystemPSM and bthport.sys!BthAllocateBrb PE offsets, get the relative distance ( which is identical to the distance when the PE is loaded in memory ) and use it to find bthport.sys!BthIsSystemPSM address on the loaded binary ( on runtime )
  2. Binary-code modification
    The extracted binary code for bthport.sys!BthIsSystemPSM is the following:

    B8 ED FF 00 00 66 FF C9 66 85 C8 0F 94 C0 C3 CC

    Having this dis-assembled results the following, in green are the values of the relevant registers before executing the instruction on that line

    01> b8 ed ff 00 00
    02> 66 ff c9
    03> 66 85 c8
    04> 0f 94 c0
    05> c3
    06> cc
    mov eax,0FFEDh
    dec cx
    test ax,cx
    sete al
    int 3
    // ZF:1 AL:0x09 AX:0x109 CX:0x11
    // ZF:1 AL:0xed AX:0xffed CX:0x11
    // ZF:0 AL:0xed AX:0xffed CX:0x10
    // ZF:1 AL:0xed AX:0xffed CX:0x10
    // ZF:1 AL:0x01 AX:0xffed CX:0x10

    With the above assembly code, the PSM is set through register CX ( 0x11 in our case ), this value is deduced by one on line #02 and then, on line #03 applied a ‘bitwise and’ operator with the value at register AX ( 0xFFED ), this result a zero value, sets the Zero Flag ( register ZF ) to 1 and assign it’s value to register AL, the calling code evaluates AL to make sure if the PSM can be used by the calling code, in our case a value of AL=1 will cause BRB_REGISTER_PSM to fail.

    In order to workaround this PSM verification we should cause the code to return with AL set to Zero, this will prevent the calling code from rejecting our PSMs, and will, in turn, enable L2CAP HID connections

    Inspecting line #03 of the above it is clear that “0 == (0xFFED & (0x11 – 1))”, and also that “0 == (0xFFED & (0x13 – 1))”, and hence, we need to change the 0xFFED mask such that the bitwise and operation result will be different than Zero, this, is achieved by changing the 0xFFED mask to 0xFFFD, having that set, the code execute as follows:

    01> b8 fd ff 00 00
    02> 66 ff c9
    03> 66 85 c8
    04> 0f 94 c0
    05> c3
    06> cc
    mov eax,0FFFDh
    dec cx
    test ax,cx
    sete al
    int 3
    // ZF:1 AL:0x09 AX:0x109 CX:0x11
    // ZF:1 AL:0xfd AX:0xfffd CX:0x11
    // ZF:0 AL:0xfd AX:0xfffd CX:0x10
    // ZF:0 AL:0xfd AX:0xfffd CX:0x10
    // ZF:0 AL:0x00 AX:0xfffd CX:0x10

    The above returns AL=0 resulting acceptance of the HID PSMs, the raw binary code we need to update looks as follows:

    B8 FD FF 00 00 66 FF C9 66 85 C8 0F 94 C0 C3 CC

  3. Patch the binary code
    Once we have the offset between bthport.sys!BthIsSystemPSM and bthport.sys!BthAllocateBrb we need to updated the binary code with the above mentioned modification, we can’t however, directly update the binary code, before doing so we need to clear the Write Protectin ( WP ) bit of register cr0, Apply the update and then return the original value of cr0, this is done using the __writecr0 and __readcr0 kernel intrinsics, once we are done with the modification our code can freely Register the HID PSMs and intercept incoming HID L2CAP connections.

Sample Code

    // 000000000008B4D0 – BthIsSystemPSM PE Offset ( fixed )
    // 0000000000083698 – BthAllocateBrb PE Offset ( fixed )
    // bthprot!BthIsSystemPSM: B8 ED FF 00 00 66 FF C9 66 85 C8 0F 94 C0 C3 CC
    UCHAR    pMachineCode[] = { 0xb8, 0xed, 0xff, 0x00,
                                0x00, 0x66, 0xff, 0xc9,
                                0x66, 0x85, 0xc8, 0x0f,
                                0x94, 0xc0, 0xc3, 0xcc };
    // The approx distance between ‘itf.BthAllocateBrb’ and ‘bthprot!BthIsSystemPSM’
    INT64    qwOffset    = (INT64)(0x8B4D0 – 0x83698);
    PUCHAR    pAddr        = (PUCHAR)((UINT64)itf.BthAllocateBrb + qwOffset);
    // Make the start address page aligned
    PUCHAR    pAddrStart    = (PUCHAR)((UINT64)pAddr & 0xfffffffffffff000);
    UINT64    qwTrailer    = *(UINT64*)(pMachineCode + sizeof(pMachineCode)
                            - sizeof(qwTrailer));
    PUCHAR    pAddrEnd    = pAddrStart + PAGE_SIZE – sizeof(qwTrailer);

    pAddrStart += sizeof(pMachineCode) – sizeof(qwTrailer);
    while (pAddrStart <= pAddrEnd) {
        if (*(UINT64*)(pAddrStart) == qwTrailer) {
            if (0 == memcmp(pAddrStart + sizeof(qwTrailer) – sizeof(pMachineCode),
                            pMachineCode, sizeof(pMachineCode) – sizeof(qwTrailer)))
                NT_ASSERT(0xed == pAddrStart[-7]);
                const auto cr0 = __readcr0();
                const auto cr0noWP = cr0 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFF;// Clear the WP bit
                pAddrStart[-7] = 0xfd;// Patch the code!!!
                return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

Risks & Limitations

  • All kernel modules are running under a shared address space, any change done to bthport.sys will affect any other module/driver referring/using it.
  • The HID PSMs are reserved by the OS for a reason, Usage of this patch should be done with care when other Bluetooth HID devices are connected.
  • This binary patch assumes a specific bthport.sys version with fixed bthport.sys!BthIsSystemPSM relative positing, while the above sample code demonstrate some flexibility regarding finding the right offset, updated bthport.sys versions might require re-calculating the new offsets.
  • As mentioned before, Some devices expect a specific HID CoD values, Windows OS doesn’t support the required HCI level API for changing the CoD, this way, using this kernel patch will enable HID device simulation for eg. Android Devices but not for iOS devices, the reader is encouraged to use the approach described in this article to patch this through.
  • Windows kernel implement a mechanism called Kernel Patch Protection (KPP), this mechanisms verify no binary changes were applied to core kernel modules on runtime, at the time this article was written bthport.sys wasn’t one of these modules, this, may ( and may not ) change in the future.


This Article discuss implementing an HID device using the Windows Desktop Bluetooth stack, this stack is limited and mandate a binary patch, When Windows OS is not a hard requirement the reader is encouraged to use solutions where the above mentioned is natively supported, such as the Linux BlueZ stack.

The patch was implemented on Windows 8 OS (x64) and should be verified if used on other/newer OS versions


KDMF Profile drivers, RFCOMM, Assigned CoD Numbers – Bluetooth Baseband, Bluetooth Class of Device/Service (CoD) Generator, PSMs reserved for OS use, HID: Human Interface Device Class, Bluetooth Request Block, L2CAP Bluetooth Echo Sample, Service Discovery Protocol, Keyboard HID Descriptor, Hex-Rays Interactive Disassembler (IDA), A Guide to Kernel Exploitation, Kernel Patch Protection (KPP), Linux BlueZ stack,

  1. linwn says:

    Hi Nadav,
    Is it possible to share more details about how to implement this idea?


    • nadavrub says:

      You will have to implement a KDMF HID Profile driver, register the HID PSMs, and, establish L2CAP connection between the device and the host, See the following link for a simple BT L2CAP driver: https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-driver-samples/tree/master/bluetooth/bthecho

      You’ll have to implement the patch in this post to enable the HID PSMs

      I must say that it is un-advised to use binary patches such as the one described in this post with commercial applications, for a real product I would consider the Linux BlueZ stack where this is naively supported.


  2. Venryx says:

    Someone appears to have found a cleaner way of getting around the “HID PSMs reserved by Windows” issue: https://github.com/ViGEm/BthPS3

    > This set of Windows kernel-mode drivers enhances the standard (a.k.a. vanilla) Bluetooth stack (Microsoft/Broadcom/Toshiba/Intel/…) with an additional L2CAP server service (profile driver) and a USB lower filter driver gracefully working around the reserved PSMs issue [here he links to Nadav’s article above] causing the PS3 peripherals connections to get denied on the default Windows stack.

    The thread where the solution was figured out can be seen here: https://forums.vigem.org/topic/242/bluetooth-filter-driver-for-ds3-compatibility-research-notes

    @Nadav Will the solution used by BthPS3 (for *reading from* a HID device over l2cap) be usable for *emulating as* a HID device as well? (forgive me if this is a stupid question; I’m still learning about the Bluetooth stack’s details, but want to know if the solution they found could allow the HID emulation described in your article above without needing the binary patch/hack)


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